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A Son of the Immortals Page 7
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Page 7
On arriving at Delgratz, Joan still avoided her distinguished travelingcompanions. Indeed, no one paid any heed to her, since Prince Michael'svanity could not resist the temptation of making himself known, and whenthe word went round that the King's father was in the station, there wassuch a press around him and the Princess that ordinary passengers wereof little account.
Monseigneur was flattered by the excitement caused by his unexpectedappearance, and he momentarily regretted the lack of display thatresulted from his decision to travel incognito. It would have been somuch more effective if he had been greeted by the King and a glitteringstaff the moment he descended from the train. It was undignified, too,to pass through the streets of the capital in a disheveled hiredvehicle, when a royal carriage, surrounded by a cavalry escort, mighthave brought him to the palace in style. It was somewhat late in theday, however, to rectify the mistake now. He could not hang round thestation while a messenger went to his son, and if he meant to effect asurprise he had succeeded admirably.
Leaving a valet and maid to bring the luggage, which an obsequiouscustoms officer cleared at once, he ushered his wife into a ramshacklevictoria and told the man to drive to the Schwarzburg.
Every Serb is a born gossip; but a policeman had whispered the names ofthe eminent pair, and awe kept the driver's tongue from wagging, elsePrince Michael would have received a greater shock than the welcomingbump of a singularly bad pavement. Luckily the Black Castle lay no greatdistance from the railway, since Delgratz was but a small place when thepalace was built, and the town had long ago closed around it on everyhand.
During the short drive Michael tried to be cheery, though he had sleptlittle during two nights. "These old streets have really changed verylittle," he said. "When I was a boy I remember thinking how magnificentthey were. What an eye opener it must have been for Alec when herealized that he had given up Paris--for this!" and he waved adeprecating hand toward the unkempt houses, yellow washed and dingy; forthe White City, though white when seen from a distance, turns out to bean unhealthy looking saffron at close quarters. The Princess carednothing for the squalor of the town. She was thinking of her son.
"I wish we had told Alec we were coming, Michael," she said. "Now thatwe are here, the reasons you urged for secrecy seem to be lessconvincing than ever."
"Alec would have telegraphed his prompt advice to remain where we were."
"Perhaps you will allow me to decide what is best to be done, Marie. Ouraffairs had reached a crisis. So long as there was a chance of mybecoming King I was able to finance myself. Now that Alec is firmlyestablished, and filling empty heads with all this nonsense as toretrenchment and economical administration, every creditor I had in theworld is pestering me. You cannot realize the annoyance to which I havebeen subjected during the last fortnight. Life was becoming intolerable,just because Alec was talking galimatias to a number of irresponsiblejournalists."
"Why not write and tell him our troubles? He would have helped us, I amsure. And that which you call rubbish seems to have caught the ear ofall Europe. Even 'The Journal des Debats' published a most eulogisticarticle about him last week."
"Poof!" snorted Monseigneur. "Those Paris rags pander to republicanism.Every word, every act, of an impetuous youngster like Alec is twistedinto an argument against the older monarchies. Give an eye to the meanlooking building on the right. That is the Chamber of Deputies. Alecmade the speech there that won him a throne. Who would have believedit? Just a few words, and he became King!"
Something in Prince Michael's tone caused his wife to look at himsharply. "You are not growing envious, Michael?" she asked.
"No; but I was a fool."
"Because I shall keep you to our compact," she said, with a firmness ofmanner that surprised the pompous little man by her side. He had beenanswered in that way so seldom during their married life that thenovelty was displeasing.
"Ah, bah! what are you saying?" he cried. He stifled the next words onhis lips; for the horse passed under an arch, and not even the studiedrepose of a princely boulevardier could conceal his new amazement.
An industrial army was busy in and around the famous residence of theKings of Kosnovia. They were tearing it to pieces. The roof was off, onewing was wholly dismantled, and the beautiful gardens were strewn withdebris.
"In the name of Providence, what is going on?" demanded Monseigneur ofthe driver.
"It is the King's order, your Highness," said the man, glorying in thefact that the muzzle was off--by request. "The castle is to bedemolished, and a new National Assembly built on the site."
"Our ancient house pulled down and made a sty for those hogs! The Kingmust be mad!"
"We esteem him highly in Delgratz," said the man stoutly. "He thinksmore of the people than of palaces, and they say that he means toconvert some of the gold lace into white bread."
The bewildered and infuriated Michael now remembered that the fewofficers encountered in the railway station or the streets seemed to befar less gaudily attired than in former years. In a passing thought heattributed the alteration to the wearing of undress uniform during theearly hours; but the cab driver's words seemed to hint at some freshwave of reform. His bulging eyes continued to glare at the ruinedpalace; but native caution warned him against being too outspoken in thepresence of one of the lower order.
"When was this work begun?" he asked.
"Three days ago, your Highness. The King decided that the banquetinghall should be destroyed as quickly as possible. He says it taints theair. As for the Assembly, it must wait. Money is not so plentiful."
"What is it, Michael?" cried the Princess, aware that somethingunforeseen had happened; but unable to grasp its significance, owing toher ignorance of the language.
Monseigneur, who had stood up in the carriage, subsided again. He raisedboth hands in a gesture of bewilderment. "Alexis III. has signalized thefirst month of his reign by destroying the historic home of ourrace--that is all, madame!" he muttered bitterly.
"But why are we remaining here? Where does Alec live? He must inhabit ahouse of some sort. Tell the man to drive there at once!"
The Prince affected not to hear. "What could Stampoff be thinking of topermit this outrage?" he murmured. "Why was not I consulted? Idiot thatI am, and coward too! I see now the mistake I made. Can it be rectified?Is it too late?"
A second carriage, laden with luggage, drove in through the gateway. Thevalet and a French maid gazed in discreet wonder at their master andmistress seated disconsolately in front of a tumbledown building.
"Michael, I insist that you give the driver directions!" cried his wifevehemently. "We cannot remain here. The least shred of commonsenseshould warn you that we are making ourselves ridiculous."
"Ah, yes, one must act," agreed the Prince. He glanced up at theenthusiastic supporter of the new regime.
"We have traveled here from Paris, and his Majesty's recent letters havemissed us," he said, with a perceptible return of the grand air that hadserved him in good stead for many years. "Take us to his Majesty'spresent residence. The error is mine. I should have told you that in thefirst instance."
"The King is living in the President's house, Excellency. It is not far;but you will not find his Majesty there this morning. At four o'clockhe rode to Grotzka with the mad Englishman----"
"Ha! and who may that be?"
"An English milord, who laughs always, even when his Majesty and he aretrying to break their necks at a game they play on horseback, hitting awhite ball with long sticks. I have seen them. They make the youngofficers play it, and there are three in hospital already. This is hotweather for such an infernal amusement!"
Prince Michael nodded. Like every other person watching affairs on theDanube, he had read of Lord Adalbert Beaumanoir's adventure with theAustrian authorities,--indeed, Europe had almost expected a declarationof war over the incident,--but he did not kn
ow that Beaumanoir was stillan inhabitant of Delgratz.
"To Monsieur Nesimir's!" he said sullenly, and left it to the Princessto give instructions to the servants to follow, though the poor womandid not yet know whither she was being taken. She was very angry withher husband, and she blamed herself for not having telegraphed to herson before leaving Paris. But she had yielded to Michael Delgrado duringso many years that it was difficult to abandon the habit now; yet shepromised herself a full explanation with Alec when they met, and thatmust be soon, since here she was in Delgratz, where, judging by thenewspapers, the King was in evidence every hour of the day.
The President's house was distant only a stone's throw, and, thoughobviously mystified, stout Nesimir met his unexpected guests cordially.He was disconsolate because of the King's probable absence till late inthe afternoon.
"What a pity his Majesty chose to-day for a visit to the artillerycamp!" he cried. "But I shall send a courier; he can return by noon. Howis it nothing was said as to your Highnesses' visit. I dined with theKing last night----"
"We wished to surprise his Majesty," explained Prince Michael. "You knowhow outspoken he is, and how easily these things get into the newspaper;so we started from Paris without a word to a soul. Send no courier afterhim, I beg. A rest of a few hours will be most acceptable to thePrincess and myself. Madame is fatigued after a long journey, while Iwould ask nothing better than an armchair, a cup of coffee, a cigarette,and a chat; that is, if you can spare the time, Monsieur le President."
Nesimir would be charmed to comply with Monseigneur's desires in everyrespect. Really, the elder Delgrado seemed to be even more approachablethan his son; for the President was unable to fathom many of the socialviews propounded by Alexis III. This unheralded advent of the King'sparents, too, betokened some secret move. He was sure of that, and,being a man to whom political intrigue was the breath of life, he sawthat a gossip with Prince Michael might convey information of muchpossible value in the near future. So the Princess Delgrado was usheredto a room by Madame Nesimir with all possible ceremony, and the two menestablished themselves on a cool veranda.
By this time, Joan and Felix were seated at breakfast in the hotel. Joanhad wisely left the bargaining with the landlord to her companion, andhe, knowing something of Serbian ways, which reck little of politenesswhen curiosity can be sated, chose a sitting room on the first floorwith three bedrooms adjoining. The sitting room was a huge place, bigenough to serve as a studio if necessary. Three large windows commandeda view of the main street, and the solid oak door opened into thecorridor behind, which also gave access to the bedrooms.
Poluski's only motive in selecting this particular suite was to securethe maximum of privacy. Joan's appearance was far too striking that sheshould be subjected to the scrutiny of every lounger in the restaurantbeneath. In this primitive community she would probably receive severaloffers of marriage the first time she sat at table in the public diningroom.
It was he, too, who advised her never to go out unless she was deeplyveiled. Joan laughed at the reason--but followed his counsel. Duringtheir first stroll in the open air she said she felt like a Mohammedanwoman; yet she soon realized that a double motor veil not only shieldedher from impertinent eyes but kept her face free from dust and insects.
Naturally, they made straight for the cathedral and examined the quaintpicture that had provided an excuse for their visit to the Near East.They were much impressed. They gazed at its brilliant coloring and stiffpose for fully a minute. Then Joan broke a silence that was becomingirksome.
"If it is really a Giotto," she whispered, "it was painted before hebroke away from the Byzantine tradition."
"Yes," murmured Poluski, "here we have both Giotto and Saint Peter attheir worst."
"Felix, how can I copy that?"
"Impossible, my belle. You must improvise, using it as a theme. When allis said and done, you know far more than Giotto about Saint Peter. Holyblue! if you bring that back to Paris as a veritable likeness of theChief Apostle you will be placed on the Index Expurgatorius. Moreover,it would not be fair to him, after all these years."
"It needed only this to prove how farcical is the whole scheme. I ambeginning to dread the idea of meeting Alec. He will laugh at me."
"That will do him good. I am told he is becoming most serious."
"Told--by whom? Surely you have not sent any message?"
"Not a word. I leave that to you--or Princess Delgrado."
"How snappy you are! It was not my fault that the Princess spoke to me.She would never have known I was on the train if you hadn't sung."
"Ah, by the way, we ought to hear some decent Gregorian music in thisold place. See, where they have put the choir, nearly under the dome.Yes, we must attend a service. The bass should roll like thunder upyonder----"
"Felix, who told you about Alec?"
"A waiter in the hotel, a waiter rejoicing in the noble name of JohnSobieski, a Pole, therefore, like myself. I said to him 'What of theKing?' He answered, 'Everything that is good, if one listens to thepeople; but the officers who come here to drink and play cards do notlike him.' I explained that I wished to know the King's whereabouts, andhe said that if I was anxious to see the gracious youth I should have asplendid opportunity at four o'clock this afternoon, as his Majesty willpass the hotel at that hour on his way to the University, where he haspromised to attend a prize giving."
"At four o'clock! What shall we do meanwhile?" asked Joan innocently.
Felix winked brazenly at the picture. "Delgratz is a picturesque city,"he said. "Let us inspect it."
"You do not think Alec will learn of our presence and visit us beforegoing to the University?"
"Very improbable. He is out in the country, watching artillery at fieldexercise. Of course, he knows nothing about artillery; but Kings have topretend a good deal. Now, if I were a young lady who had been travelingfor a day and two nights, especially if I had slept badly during thesecond night, I should stroll about the principal streets till I wastired, eat a light luncheon, sleep for an hour afterward, dress myselfin some muslin confection, and be ready to dine with the King atseven-thirty or thereabouts."
"I shall do nothing of the kind!" cried Joan, blushing behind her motorveil.
"Very well. Behold in me your slave of the lamp. What shall we do?"
"I don't object to looking at the shops and the people for a littlewhile," she admitted, and this time Felix did not wink at the picture,but contented himself with an expressive raising of his bushy eyebrows.
The program he mapped out was adhered to faithfully. Joan was reallytired, and the midday heat of Delgratz was not only novel but highlydisagreeable. She retired to her room at one o'clock, and Felix heardher telling her maid to call her at three.
The elderly Frenchwoman whom Joan employed as a compendium of all thedomestic virtues was scandalized by the pestering she had alreadyundergone at the hands of the hotel employees. They wanted to knoweverything about her mistress as soon as they were told that she was notPoluski's wife, and the staid Pauline was at her wit's end to parry thequestions showered on her in bad French. Felix advised her not tounderstand when spoken to, and relieved her manifest distress by thestatement that the hotel would see the last of them in a day or two.
Then, anxious himself to be rid of Pauline, he strolled out into FuerstMichaelstrasse, entered the hotel's public restaurant by another door,and sat there, musing and alone.
Thus far, Joan and he had passed through the simple vicissitudes thatmight beset any other strangers in the capital of Kosnovia. Though thelittle man expected developments when Alec heard of Joan's presence, hecertainly did not look for squalls forthwith; yet he had not beensmoking and humming and sipping a cup of excellent coffee more than aminute before he became aware that the sunlit street was curiouslyalive.
The hottest hours of a hot day might well have driven the citizens ofDelgratz indoors; but some powerful inducement was drawing loiterers toFuerst Michaelstrasse. It was evident that th
e attraction, whatsoever itmight be, was not supplied by the thoroughfare itself. Men lounged alongthe pavements or gathered in groups, and Poluski noted that few womenwere present. Soon a regiment of soldiers marched up, formed into tworanks, and lined the street on both sides.
Felix betook himself to the door, where his compatriot was dustingmarble topped tables with an apron that, under other conditions, wouldhave soiled them.
"Does the King arrive earlier than four o'clock?" he asked.
John Sobieski looked around furtively before he answered. "No," said hein a low tone, "the crowd is gathering to see the regicides. Their trialended to-day, and they are being taken to the Old Fort to awaitsentence."
"Found guilty?"
"I should think so, indeed, monsieur! They gloried in their crime. Theyclaim that they cleared the way for Alexis III. by removing Ferdinand.Some people say the King cannot really be severe on them, though it washe who brought them to justice."
"Have they many sympathizers?"
The waiter, a pallid creature, flicked a table loudly to cover hisreply. "Some of our customers talk big; but it is a strange thing thatthe authorities allow the men of the disbanded Seventh Regiment toremain in Delgratz. There are hundreds of them in the street at thismoment."
"It reminds one of Warsaw."
A sudden moisture glistened in John Sobieski's eyes. "Ah, Warsaw!" hemuttered. "Shall I ever see my beautiful city again? But it is differenthere, monsieur. Even though they quarrel among themselves, they have atleast got rid of their conquerors."
A quickening of interest on the part of the mob, a general craning ofnecks, and a sharp command to the soldiers showed that the criminalswere en route from the law courts. A squad of cavalry trotted intosight, followed by eight closed carriages. An armed policeman sat nearevery driver, and another stood on the step outside each door. Mountedsoldiers in single file surrounded the dismal procession, and a secondstrong detachment guarded the rear.
It was a doleful spectacle, and Felix was puzzled by the absence ofanything in the nature of a popular demonstration. He had been led tobelieve that Delgratz abhorred these murders committed in the name ofprogress, and he naturally expected an emotional people to betray theirfeelings. He listened in vain for a yell of execration. A queer murmurran through the crowd, that was all, a murmur that was ominous, almostsinister. He scanned the faces of the crowd, trying to pierce theirstolid aspect. Some of the bystanders obviously belonged to the mutinousregiment; but he looked in vain for any sign of anger or regret.
Skilled conspirator that he was, Poluski seemed rather to discern a deeplaid purpose behind their unnatural phlegm, yet his suspicions died awaywhen the street began to empty as soon as the prisoners' vehicles andthe escort had clattered past. The foot regiment marched off, and withinten minutes Felix was back in his nook, smoking and coffee drinking, andthanking the chance that left Joan unconscious of this grim episode,since her bedroom windows looked out on the garden in rear of the hotel.
He sat there quietly, sternly repressing his musical instincts when hecaught himself humming some favorite melody; nor would he have budgeduntil Alec appeared had not his keen eyes noted another curiousmovement in the street. About half-past three several men strolled pastthe cafe, men whom he distinctly remembered having seen in the earliercrowd. In twos and threes they came, and he fancied that the completedisregard each set paid the others was rather overdone.
At any rate, he ordered a fresh supply of coffee and soughtenlightenment from Sobieski. "Just peep at some of those fellows in thestreet and tell me if they are not soldiers of the Seventh Regiment," hesaid.
The waiter obeyed. He determined the point quickly. "I recognize a few,monsieur," he muttered, "and I believe there are scores of them. I wishthey would patronize some other street. Our patrons will not care to mixwith such rascals."
Poluski rose wearily; for his energetic soul was housed in a frail body,and the long journey from Paris had exhausted him.
"I have read in the newspapers that King Alexis dispenses with abodyguard?" he said, lighting a fresh cigar.
"He hates ceremony, that young man," was the ready answer. "At first thepeople mobbed him. Now he rides through Delgratz like a courier,sometimes alone, at others with a friend or two, and perhaps anorderly."
Felix laughed. "He is a fine fellow," said he. "Do the King a good turn,John, and you will be able to buy a cafe in Warsaw one of these days."
"Me, monsieur! How can a poor waiter hope to serve a King?"
"_Que diable!_ You never know your luck. Life is a lottery, and some dayyou may draw the great prize."
Felix sauntered into the street and took a keen interest in itsarchitecture. In front of the hotel and down a slight gradient to theright it was a wide and straight thoroughfare; but to the left anduphill it narrowed rapidly and took a sharp left turn. In the anglestood a popular restaurant, and the rooms on the first and secondstories were full of customers. No one, apparently, was looking out; butsmall parties of men sat near each open window, and they were notplaying cards or dominoes, though the greater part of the maleinhabitants of Delgratz seem to do little else when not eating orsleeping. Moreover, an empty bullock cart was halted in front of theground floor entrance.
"There's thunder in the air," said Poluski to himself; but he continuedto admire the irregular outlines of Fuerst Michaelstrasse. Thus, he couldnot fail to notice that the upper rooms of three cafes exactly similarto that at the corner were untenanted, while there was a disposition onthe part of the late Seventh Regiment to group itself either at theturning or a good deal lower down the street, perhaps a hundred yardsbeyond the hotel.
"Yes," said he, eying the glittering expanse of unclouded blue overhead,"a storm is certainly brewing. I can feel it in my bones. It reminds meof the afternoon we removed the Governor of Silesia. He was fused by athunderbolt, from just such a summer sky. Obviously, what he lacked wasa lightning conductor. Now, the question is, even if he had owned one,whereabouts would he have put it?"
The reply was given by the appearance of two men on horseback advancingat a fast trot up the easy slope of the hill. They were notable becausethey wore the ordinary costume adopted by riders in the Bois or the Row,and in Delgratz, where rank was marked by uniform, this fact conferreddistinction. A few yards behind them cantered a couple of soldiers.
"You are ten minutes before time, my dear Alec," murmured Felix. "Joanwill never forgive me if she is still asleep; but what is one to do?_Saperlotte!_ One must act."
A hasty glance over his shoulder showed that the gentry in the cornercafe were stirred by some common impulse that led them to the windows,while the bullock cart was now drawn awkwardly across the narrow way. Asthe horsemen came near, the loungers in the lower part of the streetdisplayed a singularly unanimous desire to close in and follow them.There were hundreds of townspeople gathered on the pavements, and not afew vehicles occupied the roadway; so these concerted movements were notdiscernible to any one who was not a past master in the revolutionaryart like Poluski, and to him only because his suspicions were alreadyactive.
The King and Beaumanoir were coming on at such a pace that Felix, owingto his low stature, would be quite invisible to them if he stood amongthe crowd now hovering on the curb; so he pushed boldly out into themiddle of the street, took off his hat with a flourish, and sanglustily:
"O, Alec! _O, mon roi!_"
The thunderbolt that removed the Governor of Silesia, had it struck thepaving stones in front of the King's horse, could hardly have startledAlec more than the sight of Felix, standing there, bare headed andgrinning, and chanting an improvised version of a famous song at the topof his voice.
"You, Felix!" he cried. "You here?"
"It is far more to the point that Joan is there," said Poluski, withexpressive pantomime.
"In the hotel?"
"Yes, up the stairs, first door on the right, across the landing. Youhave a few minutes to spare. Go quickly!"
Alec required no second bidding.
Leaping from the saddle, he threw thereins to one of the orderlies. "Give me a few seconds, Berty," he criedto Beaumanoir, and before the onlookers could grasp the motive of thissudden halt, he had vanished through the doorway.
"You come, too; you are wanted," said Felix, addressing Beaumanoir inEnglish.
"Sure?" asked his Lordship, gazing at the quaint figure with some degreeof astonishment.
"Yes, it is a matter of life or death. Come!"
Beaumanoir dismounted leisurely. "Who's going to die?" he demanded,drawing the reins over his charger's head ere he handed them to thesecond soldier.
Felix quivered, yet he realized that the Englishman's cool demeanor waswholly in accord with the plan outlined in his own alert brain.
"Everybody of any consequence in this bally menagerie if you don't hurryup," said Felix.
The use of British slang at that crisis was a touch of real genius. Itappealed to Beaumanoir. "Gad! it's a treat to hear you talk," hegrinned; but he thrust through the gapers in his turn.
Felix rushed into the restaurant and clutched Sobieski. "Here's yourchance!" he growled in Polish. "The King's life is in danger. Run to thePresident and tell him to despatch a strong body of troops on whom hecan rely. If he refuses to listen, say that Felix Poluski sent you, andbid him ask Prince Michael what that signifies. Remember thenames--Poluski, Michael--now run! Delay, and your throat will be cut!"
John Sobieski was trained to obey. He made off without a word. Felixentered the hotel by a side door. He darted up the stairs, breathlessand almost spent. He was in time to see Beaumanoir open the door of thesitting room and close it again hastily.
"Oh, dash it all!" began his Lordship; for Alec, not to be denied, hadjust clasped Joan in his arms.
"In, in! Not a second to lose! Barricade the door!" gasped Felix.
"But, man alive, where is the fire?"
"In, I tell you! _Sacre nom!_ Act first and talk afterward!"
Felix himself flung wide the door, and Alec, at this secondinterruption, was compelled to free the scarlet faced Joan from hiseager embrace.
"Too bad!" he laughed. "You promised me a minute, Felix!"
Beaumanoir came in, diffident for once in his life, since none knew sowell as he how dear to his friend was the blushing and embarrassed girlwhom he now met for the first time.
"Sorry, old chap," he said; "but this other johnny will have it thatsomebody is thirsting for your gore."
Poluski, all trembling with excitement, slammed and locked the door andpointed to a heavy sideboard. "Drag it here!" he shrieked in a highfalsetto. "The street is crammed with men belonging to the SeventhRegiment, and they have a short way with Kings they don't like. Theinstant they see how they have been tricked they will be after you likea pack of wolves. I have sent a messenger for help. I dared not use oneof your orderlies, because that would have given the game away. Whilethe men sit their horses out there the mutineers may believe you willsoon reappear. Nevertheless, block the doorway with all the furniture.We must gain ten minutes at least, or it may be twenty."
Beaumanoir and Felix fortified the position Page 155]
Joan was the first to credit him. She ran to the window. "Oh, Alec, itis true!" she cried. "I was watching the crowd before you came, and itlooks quite different now. Hundreds of men have gathered, and they arearmed with knives and pistols. Something has made them angry, and thetwo soldiers are becoming alarmed. Oh, my dear, my dear! misfortune andI have come to you hand in hand!"
"It seems to me that you and Felix have saved my life," said Alecquietly. "Now, Beaumanoir, you and I must fortify the position. Joan,stand with your back to the wall between the windows. Felix, watch thehouses opposite, and don't let the enemy take us in flank withoutwarning. Thank goodness for an oak sideboard and a heavy table! Are youready, Berty? Heave away, then! We shall occupy a box in the front rowwhen Stampoff arrives with his hussars! By Jove! what a day! Twelvehours in that scorching sun and Joan waiting here all the time! Well,wonders will never cease! I wish we had one of those live shells we wereexperimenting with this morning. It would come in handy when the firstpanel gives way."